Friday, November 1, 2013

Soccer Tournment!

A couple of weeks ago, Light and Leadership held a soccer tournament for all of the kids in our programs and it was a huge hit! We went up to the different zones to pick up the kids in a bus and they ran excitedly to meet us, all decked out in their soccer jerseys. Everyone plays soccer here starting when they can barely walk and they play every possible patch of dirt. I am currently trying to learn how to play with our peruvian friends and we play every sunday night at a lighted field that you can rent out. I have discovered that I am a much better goalie than player, but I still have A LOT to learn but its a lot of fun to play with friends. Anyways, our peruvian friends (who are also english students) helped out as coaches and it was really cute to see them cheering for the kids. Below, a picture of one of my adult english students Jose with his team of boys from Los Alamos.
It was really fun to see all of the kids from the different areas of Huaycán playing together and they all played really well. Unfortunately there were a lot more boys than girls, but I recently had a class full of girls and we played a great game of soccer together. During my time here in Huaycán I have been definitely learning the value of team sports and trying to get over my past frustration and fear of sports. Seeing how sports brings people together, builds community (and is awesome exercise) here is really cool. Below, a picture of all of the kids and coaches on the soccer field.

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