Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Speaking "Peruvian"

Every country has its own slang and as soon as I arrived in Peru, I realized that all of the cool slang that I had learned in Mexico was not going to help me fit in here! Its amazing to see how despite the fact that so many countries speak Spanish, the language varies so much from country to country. Here is a list of some of the Peruvian slang I have learned so far: "Jerga"- literally means slang. "Chao!"- Everyone says chao to say goodbye instead of adios here. "La Chancha"- When everyone goes out to drink beer or share food, the bill that everyone splits is called the "chancha." As I have mentioned before, sharing is a very big part of Peruvian culture! "Una Chela"- the large bottles of beer that everyone shares. "Chato"- affectionate way to describe someone who is short. "Cobrador(a)"- The person who collects the bus fares, tells people to when to get on and off, and the general bouncer of the bus. (Usually is very skilled at jumping on an off the bus very quickly while also giving change and yelling in a very loud voice). "Combi"- Bus (in Huaycan, most of the buses are actually more like vans). When riding a combi, you usually have to squish/ fold/ stretch yourself into many different positions in order to fit and you are usually extremely up close and personal with lots of strangers. The people watching is fascinating! "Baja!"- What you yell loudly when you want the bus to stop and you want to get off (there are not many "official" bus stops. "Que Chevere!"- How cool! (pronounced Cheb-re) "Que roche!"- How awkward! "Piqueos"- snacks such as chips, crackers and candies that are sold on every street corner. "Cuidate!"- Take care! Everyone says this when saying goodbye. "Enamorado(a)"- boyfriend or girlfriend (literally means "in love with") "Palta"- avocado (in Mexico it was aguacate) "Ya fue"- used in many different circumstances basically to mean, "what happened, happened" or "too late" or "that's life" There are a ton more words that I am forgetting and that I am yet to learn! I will add on as I learn!

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